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Hi! I'm Harikesh Ranjan Sinha. I'm full-stack developer with a passion for building beautiful and functional websites. My focus is MERN Stack (with Next.js)

About Me

As a Computer Science Engineering student, I am deeply passionate about coding, with a specialization in full-stack Web development. My expertise lies in utilizing the MERN stack, complemented by Next.js, to craft dynamic and responsive websites that seamlessly integrate functionality and aesthetics.

Beyond the realm of coding, I find solace in delving into topics of geopolitics and Indian history, enriching my understanding of the world around me. In my leisure time, I indulge in the culinary arts, finding joy in experimenting with different cuisines. And when seeking a thrilling escape, I immerse myself in the world of horror movies. Through this diverse blend of interests and skills, I continually seek to expand my knowledge and contribute to innovative projects within the tech industry.

My Projects


A blog app where users can create, read, update and delete blog posts. It secures user's data with authentication.

  • React
  • Mongo DB
  • Tailwind
  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Node.js

E-Commerce Store

An e-commerce store where users can buy vegetables. It also has authentication. It secures user's data with authentication.

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Tailwind

File System CLI Tool

A CLI tool for file operations like copying, moving, deleting and creating files and directories. It's built with Rust. It uses the std::fs module.

  • Rust
  • fs

TodoX CLI Tool

A CLI tool for managing todos. It's built with Rust and uses sqlite3 for the database. It uses the std::fs module.

  • Rust
  • sqlite3


My experience

Frontend Developer Intern

Centre for Railway Information Systems, New Delhi, India

I worked here as a frontend developer intern. I worked on the frontend of a websites using JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

5th June 2023 - 5th July 2023

Backend Developer

SRM University, Chennai, India

I am currently working in the tech team of Directorate of Student's Affairs (DSA) as a backend developer. I'm working on a project that involves building a website for the club. DSA organizes the cultural fest of the university

August 2023 - Present

Contact Me

Please contact me directly at or use this form.